REGISTRATION FEE:  A non-refundable $40.00 registration for first student and $20.00 for each additional student is required yearly at the time of registration.

 TUITION AND FEES: Tuition cost is by year and divided into 10 equal instalments due on the 1st of the month from September-June. Some months may have less classes than others and these are built into the yearly cost. Also built into this cost are holidays, breaks and 2 inclement weather days. If the public schools have been canceled due to weather, lessons may also be cancelled, so check on the CBO Dancers group page on Facebook, or your email before leaving your house. Please contact the office staff with any questions about additional class make-up times.  No refunds for lessons missed due to these reasons will be given. If more than 2 classes must be cancelled, then makeup classes will be offered either by combining with another class, or by scheduling a makeup class in person or virtually at CBO’s discretion.

Tuition Fees are non-refundable.

 BILLING: I understand tuition is due on the 1st of each month.  I understand I am responsible for payment for the month whether my dancer attends classes or not. I understand my tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable. I hereby agree to make timely tuition payments as set forth therein. I understand there are no refunds or deductions from tuition for classes not attended. I will make every effort to bring my child to make-up classes for classes missed due to illness. I understand what my regular monthly tuition is and that it will be due and payable on the 1st day of the month. I also agree to a late fee of $10.00 if my payment is received any time after the 7th day of the month (unless arrangements have been made.)  I understand if partial tuition payments are made, payments will be applied to late fees first and then to tuition balance. I understand my account must be closed out in person when canceling classes. I understand if my account has a balance due of more than 60 days, a phone call will be made to the parent and my dancer will be unable to return to class until the account is paid in full. I understand if my account has a balance due of more than 60 days and no attempt has been made to pay, that my account will be turned over to a collection agency. I understand that any and all collection costs and fees will then become my responsibility.

 SUBSTITUTIONS:  CBO reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes.  If a teacher is ill and CBO cannot arrange a substitute, any missed classes will be made up.

 ATTENDANCE: I understand that to remain enrolled in Children's Ballet of the Ozarks, CBO, the student must commit to and attend the minimum number of classes. To improve technique, prevent injury and to perform in a quality performance regular attendance is absolutely necessary.  Children's Ballet of the Ozarks reserves the right to cancel any class for which less than six (6) students enroll.

 DRESS CODE:  Proper dance wear and dance shoes must be worn to all classes.  Please make sure you know what your student’s dress and hair code is for her/his classes. If a student is not in proper attire, she/he may be asked to watch class.

 RECITAL: I understand that all students are expected to perform in a year end recital. It is assumed that a student is performing unless official notice otherwise is given. I understand that a $50 Recital Performance Fee is due March 31. Recital Fee may be divided into instalments of with tuition upon request. This recital fee helps to cover costume rental/cleaning costs, music licensing/editing costs and other costs associated with putting on a quality show. Summer Recital dates are June 13th and 14th, with studio Dress Rehearsal June 7th and Theater Dress Rehearsal June 12th. Recital Fees. Some classes and roles may be assigned extra rehearsals to be determined at a later date. Performance Fees are non-refundable.

 CHANGING OR DROPPING CLASSES:  I understand if the need to drop a class occurs, I must give a 30-day written notice, which must be done in person and a withdrawal form filled out in order to drop a class. Otherwise, I understand CBO assumes the student is still enrolled and charges on my account will continue to incur (whether during the current month or the upcoming month). The 30 days will begin as of the date a representative of CBO has received and initialed this written notice.

 NOTIFICATION: I understand the dancer and/or the Parent must notify CBO office at (417-217-3546) or if unable to attend classes (sickness, family emergencies, etc.).



Copyright © Children's Ballet of the Ozarks All rights reserved.

Children's Ballet of the Ozarks dance instruction, dance classes, dance lessons, ballet instruction, ballet classes,  dance, ballet, Musical Theatre, & Voice  classes in Cabool and West Plains